Saturday, January 03, 2009

Jonah Plays Soccer - NOT!

So we made a point to drive back from Florida on Friday so that Jonah wouldn't miss his first Soccer Class on Saturday morning. At home Jonah loves to kick the soccer ball and kicks straight and loves to run and we have even seen him dribble the ball in the house and in the yard - not that he knows what dribbling is. So Saturday morning we all got up to go to his 9 a.m. class. I even took the camera to catch some great action shots. Well, Jonah had other ideas. Kelly spend most of the time carrying him around - poor Dad was tired from driving 16 hours the day before - needless to say he was a bit frustrated. At one point, Jonah did actually participate and it was when they had the kids go place cones about the room. But immediately afterward he was done. Here you can see him trying to escape and pointing to the exit. We're hoping Jonah was just tired from our trip and that next time he feels more like participating.

1 comment:

ladyjackalope said...

I'm sure he must have still been tired from the trip,looking froward to seeing him in action when he is well rested.Love,Great Grandma Theresa