I remember when I was single or married without children and out at a restaurant and a few tables over witnessing a family with a 2 year old who is acting obnoxious and making a huge mess with his food and thinking - "Wow, they really should get control of their child." Well, I have come to the realization that the table has turned and people probably think that of us. The last 6 weeks or so Jonah has really been acting out more and coming up with new habits that I'm not very proud of. Tonight we went out to a Mexican restaurant where kids eat free Mon- Thurs. It all started innocently enough with Jonah dipping the chips in the salsa, sucking the salsa off and redipping the chip - same chip several times. (Papaw would love that one. Jonah likes to do the same thing with french fries in ketchup.) That got boring, so he took a chip and munched it very quickly and systematically and let it fall out of his mouth onto the table - (I think The Cookie Monster may not be the best role model; may have to cover his eyes during that part of Sesame Street from now on.) Then when his plate of quesadilla with rice and beans came, he took the huge spoon they brought with his plate (what were they thinking?) and scooped up a huge spoonful of rice and brought it to his mouth where a small portion went into his mouth and the rest into his lap. He apparently decides he doesn't really like the rice for consumption purposes but enjoys the touch and feel of it and brings other spoonfuls up to his mouth only to touch it to his tongue and spit it back out onto his lap. At one point, Jonah starts picking up the rice and beans with his hands and would have started slinging it if I hadn't intervened with baby wipes and took away his plate of fun. Later he drank some water and then let it slowly pour back out of his mouth -a favorite new past time at every meal these days - his way of playing with water despite having a secure lid on his cup. Needless to say, there was a huge mess of rice sprinkled on the floor around our table and we felt aweful for person who had to clean it up. No doubt she was thinking - "They really should control their child better."
It's funny how we did not teach Jonah any of these behaviors but are faced with the seeming insurmountable task of teaching our brutish boy some table manners. I hope all this gross behavior is typical 2 year old stuff; but I have the sneaking feeling some of it is typical BOY behavior and may last beyond the 'Terrible Twos'.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Thanks Grammie and Papaw!

Jonah also learned some new words and now actually will say yes to questions instead of no all the time. He also learned to say "nasty" which he pronounces 'na-thy' and makes a special face just for this word. Apparently, he got that from Grammie who kept telling our dog Toby he was nasty for eating paper towels and other things he shouldn't. Thanks again Grammie and Papaw. Oh and Jonah loves his early birthday present. We took a walk the other evening and daddy pushed Jonah on his bike and mommy pushed baby in the stroller. It was an interesting feeling taking a walk with two instead of one.

Welcome Elisabeth Rose
Elisabeth Rose Davis made her debut at 1:24 p.m. on Wednesday, July 16, 2008. She weighed 8 lbs. 12 oz. and was 20 1/4 inches long.

We went into UNC Hospital Wednesday morning for an external version knowing that if it was unsuccessful we would then have a Cesarean section. (If successful, the plan was to go home and wait for natural onset of labor.) I was a little concerned that they wouldn't really try to turn the baby, but when two young male doctors came and began pushing and pulling with all their might that was no longer a concern. They managed to get her butt out of my pelvis, but try as they may they could not get her head down. (A very uncomfortable procedure I can assure you!) Apparently she was wearing the placenta like a hat. They finally managed to get her head down a little bit, but then her head would slowly spring back to its preferred position. At that point, they joked that she liked her placenta pillow and we all agreed to move forward with the C-section.
Once the decision was made things happened fairly quickly. We were first in line for a c-section and the procedure went much smoother than when Jonah was born. (I guess it helps not having gone through 30 hours of labor beforehand.) It did take a few minutes to get her out through the incision. I could hear the surgeons repeating "big baby" as they pulled out more and more baby. The head was stuck for a bit and they ended up using the forceps to deliver the head. But little Elisabeth was healthy and pink the whole time and didn't seem to mind her dramatic entry into the world. My stay in the recovery room was shorter and much less painful than what I remember after Jonah's delivery. I was able to nurse her in the recovery room (poor Jonah had to wait a bit longer) before moving to a hospital room.
We've been home from the hospital a few days now and all is going well considering. Jonah is hugging and kissing his baby sister and Elisabeth is settling nicely into life outside the womb. More to come.....

Monday, July 14, 2008
Breech Baby as Due Date Approaches
Today, I had what we were hoping would be my last prenatal appointment before the baby girl's arrival. The midwife couldn't confirm the position of the baby and sent us for an ultrasound. Turns out the little one is breech. So, now we are scheduled for a special acupuncture treatment and a chiropractic adjustment for tomorrow that will hopefully assist in rotating the baby. Wednesday morning, I am scheduled for an external version which involves an OB doctor applying significant pressure on my belly to get the baby to maneuver. If these other techniques work and I arrive on Wednesday with a head down baby they will just send me home to await the onset of labor. If after the external version, the baby has not rotated they will go ahead and do a Cesarean section right after. If the external version achieves the right position, again they will send me home to await the onset of labor. I have ample fluid in the uterus so we are hopeful that the baby will rotate via one or more of these techniques. Regardless, we will be the proud parents of a new baby girl very soon. Please pray God's blessings and protection on us during all this.
Oh, by the way, we did see from the ultrasound that the baby does have a bit of hair - maybe that's why I have had such terrible heartburn.
Oh, by the way, we did see from the ultrasound that the baby does have a bit of hair - maybe that's why I have had such terrible heartburn.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
More Cheese Please
Jonah was watching Sesame Street this morning and they started talking about cheese. Well, he loves cheese so he comes into the kitchen and starts saying cheese. Well I kind of ingnored him to see if he would forget about it. He follows me down the hall and says "cheese" and then "pease." We have been trying to get him to say please for a month. Of course one piece wasn't enough so I asked him to say please for more and he did - it even started to sound more like "please" than "pease." I guess now we can start working on saying "Thank you."
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Well I found another diversion for myself and Jonah so I'm not sitting home twiddling my thumbs waiting on the arrival of Baby Girl Davis. Regal cinemas are having a Free Family Film Festival, where you can take the family into a movie for free. They play 2 different movies at 10 a.m. for 3 days a week. They will be doing it every week this summer through the end of August. Click here to check participating cinemas in your area. I took Jonah to the Beaver Creek Stadium cinema this morning to see The Bee Movie. He actually sat through the whole 90 minutes. They had a deal for the festival of $1 drinks & $1 popcorn. So I got a Diet Coke for me and a popcorn for him. He pretty much munched on the popcorn the whole time. He was so cute. He barely held the foldup seat down. So in case you were wondering those movie theatre seats are for 29 lbs and up :-)
Monday, July 07, 2008
I wasn't quite up for attending one of the big firework displays this year so we bought some for home. Jonah was so cute. He went and sat next to Dad as he unwrapped the package and then when they were set off he came to stand near me. Then when Kelly would come stand away from the fireworks Jonah would reach for his hand and that's how they watched the fireworks. And then Jonah would clap after each one.

4th of July at Marbles
Since Kelly had the 4th off, we decided to take Jonah to the Marbles Kids Museum downtown. It was very good. Here are some pictures from the museum.

Jonah loves the water, but putting out the splash pool by myself is not going to happen while I'm pregnant. So here has been my or rather Jonah's substitute when daddy's not around.

He starts out sticking his head in and playing and splashing but usually ends up as you see here.
He starts out sticking his head in and playing and splashing but usually ends up as you see here.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
I actually slept better last night than I have the past few days. I'm planning to stay at home and rest today as Kelly and I are going out on a "date" tonight. Thanks to our friends (Boppie's Parents) who will watch Jonah for us tonight. We're thinking it may be our last date for awhile.
Not sure what we will do for the holiday weekend. I don't think I'll be up for any traveling nor do I want to get stuck in a crowded place that I can't leave quickly - just in case the little girl decides to make an early appearance. So no firework displays for us this year. Maybe we'll just take Jonah to a museum or something. I need to check out what's open this weekend.
Not sure what we will do for the holiday weekend. I don't think I'll be up for any traveling nor do I want to get stuck in a crowded place that I can't leave quickly - just in case the little girl decides to make an early appearance. So no firework displays for us this year. Maybe we'll just take Jonah to a museum or something. I need to check out what's open this weekend.
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