Friday, February 27, 2009

Jonah Brag

We have been trying for months to teach Jonah how to introduce himself and say "hi" to other kids instead of growling or yelling at them. Well, today all our efforts paid off. We were at the park and he and this little girl very near the same age were playing follow the leader going up and down the slide. Then she wanted to swing so he wanted to swing. While swinging he started talking to the other mom and her little girl. He says, "What your name?" The mom replies for the little girl and say's "Kaylee." Then she asks Jonah, "What is your name." He pauses and goes ", Jonah." I nearly fell out. I couldn't believe it. He made conversation - unprompted conversation and he answered that question correctly (perfect pronunciation even) for the first time. When he turned two we taught him to say how old he was when asked; well every time we would ask him any other question including his name he would say "two." But today he got it right. I was so proud. Then I asked the other mom her name and we officially introduced ourselves. Then Jonah points to me and says, "Her name is mommy." I am so happy that one of my names IS Mommy. (Smile)

1 comment:

Amy said...
