During Elisabeth's afternoon nap, I focused Jonah on the task at hand and set about putting it together. I finally got the structure of the house put together despite Jonah's "help." He was in a hurry to decorate with (a.k.a eat) the candy. I found that decorating the house prettily like the picture on the box, was not going to happen - I cut the hole in the icing bag too big for one thing. Jonah's desire to get to the candy part of this production prompted me to stick the roof on and add icing before the suggested wait time was over. When we got the house nearly finished, I noticed the roof pieces were beginning to slide down. At that point I had three thoughts (1) I guess I should have waited the extra few minutes for the roof joints to dry (2) now I know why I heard some ladies say they used super glue on their gingerbread houses and (3) next time maybe I should go with the prefab gingerbread house.
Here's a picture of Jonah with our creation. Note the cups propping the roof up.

The next day we didn't need the cups once the icing hardened.

I love the Gingerbread House,it is a house built with love and a proud young fellow who enjoyed helping.Love the way roof was held in place till it set.Turned out fine,thanks for sharing.Love to all ~;-D
congratulations to Jonah and to you Shanna:) It looks great (yummy).
So cute!! Jonah looks proud of his creation.
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