Monday, August 11, 2014

The Story of the World: Cave Art

Cover of "The Story of the World, Activit...
Cover via Amazon
During the Florida Parent Educators Association Homeschool Conference in May, we went to a session by Jim Weiss on the importance of story. My husband and I both liked what he had to say on the topic and the pointers he gave for telling a good story. We found out he was the reader for one of the versions of the audiobook, The Story of the World: History for the Classical Child. I had been considering this curriculum for our kids and this clenched it for me.

We have just started getting into The Story of the World, Activity Book 1: Ancient Times - From the Earliest Nomad to the Last Roman Emperor. Chapter 1 is on "The Earliest People." None of the additional reading suggestions in the activity book were available at our library, but I found some others that went well with our topic.
The Secret Cave is a fictional representation based on true events surrounding the discovery of the Lascaux Cave in France during WWII. The book was the perfect preparation for our activity today - making cave art! We used paper bags and some acrylic paints in the limited hues that prehistoric peoples would have had.

Cave art by Elisabeth
Cave art by Jonah
Seeing all that left over paint, I decided to try my hand at a little cave art as well - a newly discovered prehistoric species. Ha!
Saber-toothed chipmunk badger
Homeschool is Cool!

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